Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Mira's find about our popularity

I have been doing some work on getting Paradise Artist Colony @ Perfect Paradise listed on SL SEARCH and playing around with some settings, which reveal that:
In a search for a PERFECT PARADISE, we come top of the list, just above Lesbian Shangri-La.
If you search for ARTIST, we come second to Hammerock - a highly sophisticated club setting for the inspiring BDSM artist …
If someone were to search for DANCERS, we're on the first page, but a long way from top listing of Escort Oasis at 65,650 visitors.
But it's as a colony that I'm most chuffed … we are third on the list - just after Bladerunner City and the United Federation Starfleet! Woo hoo! We are nine ahead of Star Trek! And miles ahead of the Vulcan Monastery, who must just new at only 4 visitors, so I'd better not crow too loudly.
Our 'traffic' number is quite deceiving because, being a homestead sim, we have to be attached to a full sim, and we are on our third 'change of ownership' of the full sim, and our traffic numbers go back down to zero at each change.
If you have the time, and the inclination, search out for various aspects of our group that you think are relevant to us and see how we fare on SL Search. Have fun!

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