Some of you May be surprised at our recent decision to fold the Intentional Community Group into the Island Group, so there is only one That 'class' of membership on our island, open to all. After all, we just Went through an onerous process to Develop and AGREE upon a Statement of Purpose for our island community, and to help us year Plan That purpose accounting achieve action.
We are not giving up on the idea of intentional community on our island. We will still-have a notice board, notecard for new visitors, and a forum discussion on Ning Where we will talk about community and how Second Life can help us learn about and accomplish achieve community. And the Statement of Purpose Will continue to be updated by Girish working as a roadmap of who's working on what projects.
Rather than aim Trying to design our community, we've Decided It Would be more natural to just let it evolve to be what it is Intended to be. Rather than Assigning roles, we will just invite people to take on projects and Responsibilities That interest em and They All which enjoy. So Miralee Will still be working on the aesthetics of the island, and Miracle Will still be Conducting language classes. Girish Will still be working to Improve information exchange, and the other core members of our community, Including n2witive, Karen, Darcon Abu me (Harps) and many others Will continue to work on the projects and activities that we've Chosen to do. If you'd like to head up a new project or activity on our island, just let Mira, Girish or me know and we'll help you get started.
This is not the first time our island community HAS Evolved since it Began over two years ago. Each Evolution HAS reflected the changing makeup of our members, and in my view contents, each Evolution has-been positive and inevitable. Those of us Have you Have Been Involved with real-life intentional Communities can see just how our island's Closely paralleled That HAS Evolution of real-world Communities.
We'll continue to-have our regular weekly meetings, goal, like everything else, They Will Become less formal and more optional. We will only use our consensus process When major decisions or significant exchange are at stake. The purpose of our meetings to keep Will Be communications flowing and give members an outlet for airing ideas and Their Concerns - and a forum to get to know each other 'better.
The idea is for us to be one happy 'family' of people, open to all Have you want to explore and live hand of our 'second lives' in a beautiful, peaceful, caring and natural site. Thank you all for helping make it so.
HarpoonDodger Freenote (Harps)
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