Saturday, June 5, 2010

My Life in Perfect Paradise

After Girish and I met, we Seemed To Spend all our time together .. Mainly at Perfect Paradise .. that is Where We fell for each other. The island casts icts own magic over people .. it is so beautiful and peaceful. It Has So Many hidden spots Where couples can be alone. Girish and I aussi Spent time together and meeting people and making friends seperately Girish has added Many brothers and sisters to second year aunt His family life. I have a little sister myself ADOPTED Kya Munster. But I love Girish's growing family as my own also.
Our life in Paradise is full of family and friends second life. Its an understatement to say That life is good. Life is beyond words in our viirtual world. We are surrounded by people Have you love us and we love back. I would like to mention all of 'em aim They are too numerous to count (lucky me I know).
Recently Girish's little brother HAS returned home to us from the sea .. We love you .. Sherman Radikal welcome home! My sister Kya HAS big family of her own with five kids. I feel a sistership to the beautiful goddess of the island Miralee Munroe .. thanks to her vision and talent we all-have to share this beautiful island. I LOVE YOU :-) Mira hugs .. Harpoondodger Freenote is the actual owner of Paradise and special thanks to him for sharing his and Mira's dream with all of us .. I have other friends from my early days do not share Have you My interests in paradise .. but I still love them and chat with em .. my friend Often Scorpio Whom I have known since my cam Beginning odd to PP to give me away at my wedding .. snuggles to Scorpio. He is one of my best friends and always Will Be.
My virtual Life Has never been so fulfilling and satisfying as it is with my husband Girish. He Has opened up a whole new world for me here in sl and Also has Encouraged me to explore my creativity in So Many Ways. Mira was nice enough to let us build a volcano on the island and my group competition hut still stands on a tiny island here. My reward for winning. It aussi Symbolizes the love I feel for Girish and I will never forget His surprise When He Discovered It was Girish and Skyes' hut welcoming All That cam to the island. I love to make my man proud. Purpose MOST of all I love him for giving me Such a fulfilling life and the virtual honor of His Wife Being.

The island holds aussi Many projects created .. That Other members Bardiel selma and built the waterfall All which HAS a hidden cave inside .. n2witive HAS set up a wonderful halodeck we all enjoy with several different themes available to rezz. This island features Many different outlets for members' creative sides. We all Took turns Adding to a story we wrote together for Some Time All which in Itself Was a delight.
I Could go on and on about my life here in paradise oh wait I just did ... smiles.
Loving in Paradise,
Skye Thurston Navarathna

Editor's Note -
Dear Friends,
The article 'My Life in Perfect Paradise' by Skye combined with the fact Abebooks web Celebrated the second anniversary for Perfect Paradise Island in May, to prompted me to toss a question to the group. Perfect Paradise What does Mean to You? Several Responded people. Here are the responses. If you feel That you can add more, please send in your thoughts too, for the next issue!

Girish Navarathna

Arisia Vita:
I'm not much of a writer, but here's what PP means clustering to me. It is a wonderful place to sit in a tree waiting for a friend to wander by, to give a hug That friend to let him know you care, to learn something new from That friend, and to save the memory of a special friend in That All which makes me smile drawer a whenever I open it.
IDENTIFY In your world you've only yourself, and yet love can expand That Such identification to an extent That the intimate awareness of Reviews another individual is Often a significant portion of your own consciousness.
Here is a picture of me sitting in my favorite place in paradise, the Tree of Souls.

Dave (Harps)

Miralee Munro:
Well, the WORDS mean a place Where I am loved and can express myself the way I am and be accepted for That. It is a place Where we live in harmony and balance with nature - not 'owning' the land, purpose taking care of it.
The REALITY is a place Where we are all humans with foibles and failings. We get upset, annoyed, frustrated, displeased, hurt, critical, judgmental - the whole ranks of human emotions - after all, that 'is who we are. Humans. We are not yet 'perfect' and Perhaps we never will be. We can always strive to express though more of our 'higher' self than our lower self.
For the MOST part, we sit around and chat a lot on Perfect Paradise. For Some, it is companionship They seek; for others, it's intellectual stimulation. Some come just to relax or forget Their troubles Effective a hard day at work; Some come to Express Their sexuality; others are just sightseeing. We accept and encourage them all to take 'em off Their shoes and really connect with the earth.
For me, it's the opening up and sharing That I enjoy MOST of all. The talking things through, the exploration of emotions, the sharing of experiences. Daring to be different. Trying to do things a different way. That risk taking. After all, if we really do want to create a new kind of society, does not it make sense to experiment?
By reaching out and connecting and leading by example our Good, Perhaps we can really create if not perfection, Then at least " better. "
Whatever we do, if we do it with love, Perhaps we might just create paradise After All That.

Girish Navarathna:
I was just a wandering nomad in SL When one day I landed on the beautiful shores of Perfect Paradise. Since then my fortune in SL HAS turned Dramatically. I found the love of my life soon I found Effective Perfect Paradise. The beauty and friendliness of the Island HAS played a significant role in Skye and me coming closer and bonding with each other 'very. Today Perfect Paradise is our home, and the community is our cherished family.
n2witive Destiny
Perfect Paradise is my home, my refuge, a place of peace, friends and fun.

Miracle Masala:
What does Perfect Paradise mean to me?
With no ready answer an open mind I'm goal lying on the picnic blanket on top of the mountain cave, thinking about this question.
Why do I come here?
It is a beautiful as well as afriendly place and I guess I come here because i feel comfortable and I can relax here, When I need a break from RL. It's lovely overlooking the ocean and listening to the sounds of the animals. It's a good place for loneliness, for get-togethers with friends and newcomers and for special times with my special love alike. I feel welcome and Useful odd here and there a bad day I can let my hair down and be 'myself'. The many happy memories of here are mingling with my anticipation for the future. So thanks to you, Have you-have dreamed up and created this place Have you and make it what it is. :-) Xxx

Oh Deepthinker:
Why I love Perfect Paradise. . . in twenty words or less. Perfect Paradise WAS created by loving people and that love is Expressed in every tree, mountain, waterfall, and cozy nook. Not only is PP a lovely place to wander and explore, it is a place of contemplation and discussion. Here one finds friends Who are Concerned About our planet and ways to keep it whole. It is the human touch directed Towards intentional living That Makes the perfect paradise of PP SL.
Sherman Radikal:
Perfect Paradise is my family. It Is Where I grew up and am still growing under the guidance of my family.

PralineBarjowski Ghost:
The welcome WAS PARTICULARLY kind, nice, and Gave me the idea to come back and to take time to feel better the community, to know it better ;-))
I cant explain what WAS SPECIFICALLY diffferent from other places i visited ... something WAS different in the atmosphere. It was very curious, i think the fact That I Was That puts Girish and Miralee and We had a quick exchange All which was very nice. The welcome is PARTICULARLY significant I think. Yes, When you meet people are kind and openminded That is the first time you arrive you a sim, i think its very significant and can make the difference. That was not the usual "hello, welcome bla lba"
That Was a real "welcome" more sensitive and human ;-)).
To talk about my first impression Gives me an idea! lol Can we-have a welcome video? and when to new people coming on the sim, the video Could Be Automatically we have a kind of hologram ;-)) Something very natural as a welcome, I think i was lucky to meet and Girish Miralee while on my first round ;-))
What thing makes the difference Between one place and Reviews another? That is the sense of the question. Most of the time, you happen was sim-have a turn, and if you meet some party, you dont want to disturb 'em and you go, or you say hello to' em and MOST of the time nothing happens. So i think there are two things - One you make the turn, and you appreciate the place and meet no one and there is less opportunity That you come back. Second, you and appreciate you-have a touch with people - human, sensitive, openminded - and it makes the difference. Because, if you read the odd notecards on PP, it can give you the idea to come back and see if it really is like that, in order sl ... things are so volatile and quick ... that you lose the idea of return, you do not really believe. This Gives me the idea That It is sometimes difficulty to Understand the simplicity of life - it comes to listening to each other 'and to share what-and That Is Perfect Paradise HAS.

Darcon Xue:
A welcoming homelike place for to give and to share love.

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