Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Women, Countries and Geography

Warning: you are about to read boys only material, please be advised before reading if you are a girl remember u cant sue me because I Warned u  
(A) Age Between 15 and 20 is similar to Africa, Partially Partially Discovered and tamed ..
(B) Age Between 20 to 30 is similar to USA, fully Discovered and Scientifically perfect
 (C) Age Between 30 to 35 is similar to India and Japan, fully hot, wise and beautiful
(D) Age Between 35 to 40 is similar to France, odd though It was destroyed in half due to war; it's still promising and wonder full
(E) Age Between 40 to 60 is similar to Russia, icts huge, quiet but no one want to visit there .....
(F) Age Between 60 to 70 is similar to the UK, though it HAS renowned history goal there's no future
(G) Effective And the age of 70 is like Siberia, no one knows Where it is and no one even try to go there .....
Disclaimer: There can be terrible fluctuations in real implementation Some women can still can Represents group "" They belong to group though 'd' (now girls pls stop guessing and read on) and For Those Whose countries r not included do not be angry with me this article is open for edit, and republish, all rights reserved and re distributable hehheh   
Nirmal Humburg

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